The THRILL™ with its impact assisted run off or run down of fasteners overcomes corrosion and thread flaws at high speed. Flipping the stabiliser handle, the THRILL™ turns from an impact gun to a torque power tool, ready to break out fasteners or to torque them within 5% with continuous rotation rather than the intermittent power of impact guns. Overall, this makes the THRILL™ the fastest and most reliable power tool yet!
Impact Pre-Torque
Grab both handles, pull both triggers for a corrosion-overcoming, reaction arm-free, impact assisted pre-torque up to 3,200 rpm.
Safe Precision-Torque
Flip the front handle, push the Safety plate with one hand and pull the trigger with the other to speed up precision-bolting in the safest possible way.
It is ideal for Oil And Gas, Petrochemical, Power Generation and Infrastructure sector.